Katie Williams  
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ERA Las Vegas, 2011 - Katie Williams recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award
ERA Las Vegas, 2011 - Katie Williams
recipient of the "Lifetime Achievement Award"

Thank you for visiting my web site! I hope you find valuable information about my 25 years working in DRTV, which is both my passion and my profession.

A wonderful benefit to this industry is the opportunity to have met so many talented people along the way, including clients, designers, world-class marketers and of course, terrific employees and vendors who have produced such outstanding work over the years. I am grateful for their inspiration, dedication, and support. Any success I may have accrued over the years, I truly owe to them.

Best regards,

Katie Williams signature
Testimonials - Katie is a legend in the DRTV industry with integrity and ethics, a brilliant mind and cheerful outlook on life